Thursday, November 18, 2010

ballpark news

Brian Borawski points out the latest ballpark news over at the Hardball Times.
In Chicago, the new owners, are looking for public money for Wrigley Field renovations. As we read in Windy City Watch,
  • "Its funny that Joe Ricketts is so passionate against “wasteful government spending” when his family, led by son, Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts, has just asked the people of Illinois to borrow $300 million in a bond offering so that it can rehab Wrigley Field. This request follows a vote in Mesa, AZ which guaranteed the Cubs $84 million in public funds to build a new spring training stadium and facility."
In Oakland, the A's are still shopping for a city to live in.
In Baltimore, Camden Yards will get a face lift for her 20th birthday, and lose 3,000 seats.

Check back for progress reports.